Posts Tagged Blessings


24655_516287395095902_922501145_nBless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits (Psalm 103:2)

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for YOUR WORD. Thank you for hope. Thank you for joy. Thank you for peace. Thank you for love. Thank you for health. Thank you for my finances. Thank you for lack of finances. Thank you for my children. Thank you for their children. Thank you for life. Thank you for an abundant life. Thank you for my home. Thank you for transportation. Thank you for my immediate Family. Thank you for my extended Family. Thank you for my Church Family. Thank you for my Pastor. Thank you for your loving care. Thank you for the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the Gifts of the Spirit. Thank you for the Fruits of the Spirit. Thank you for my Dogs. Thank you for their health.

1382194_10153445803750548_1750605497_nThank you I am in my “right mind.” Thank you for a pure heart. Thank you for a right spirit. Thank you for sight. Thank you I live, move and have my being. Thank you for employment. Thank you for providing for me. Thank you for sustaining me. Thank you for maintaining me. Thank you for burdens. Thank you for Blessings. Thank you for good days. Thank you for bad days. Thank you for being with me always. Thank you for keeping me in all my ways. Thank you for ordering my steps. Thank you for loving me just as I am. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for this season of Thanks. Thank you for reasons to be thankful. Thank you for losses, gains, and all I have left. Thank you for things being well. Thank you for things being well as they are. Thank you for every precious day, moment, and second.


Beloveds, in the midst of my thanksgiving, I remember the ONE who on the very night HE was betrayed, offered THANKS even for that which would wound, crush and break Him. How can I help but say with a heart of Thanksgiving and a mouth full of praise, THANK YOU AWESOME LORD. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!




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Positively Blessed

When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude. — G.K. Chesterton

This Thanksgiving, I was visibly moved by the testimonies and attitudes of several citizens of Long Branch, New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Many who had lost everything but their lives, were questioned by a reporter about what they were thankful for this year (2012).

One by one, with unquestionable sincerity and gratitude, they gave surprising reasons for gratitude as they stood in front of storm– ravaged homes watching their prized possessions and life memories being moved to dumpsters and piled on garbage heaps. I was literally brought to tears as  one woman, seemingly without a second thought, said, “I’m grateful  that my husband and I are alive and safe.” She said, I don’t know where our next meal will come from. I’m just grateful we can share it together.” Another said , “It’s my daughter’s first birthday, then simply smiled and walked away. A firefighter whose home and local firehouse had been completely demolished said, he and his family would celebrate with their “sister” firehouse that had already become their second home. He added, “those guys are better cooks anyway.”  And, a restaurant owner whose Long Branch site was destroyed, invited everyone to celebrate at another of his locations.

Watching these brave citizens helped me realize how truly Blessed I am simply to be alive and that whatever I am going through pales in comparison.  I saw what it truly means to give thanks in ALL things and how to be “content in whatever state we find ourselves.”  Yes, I am positively Blessed.

Hard times and struggle seems to bring out the best in us. We tend to set aside our differences and to stand firmly on the common ground of simply being human–a beautiful sight, I might add. I don’t know why it takes the worst to bring out our best or why the threat of death causes us to appreciate life. Nor do I understand why many times, we must lose everything in order to gain an appreciation for anything. But here’s what I know: Life has a way of humbling us and bringing us to our knees. Poverty helps one appreciate prosperity. Opportunities to grow in love knock at the doors of chaos. And on a very personal note, I know that God’s Grace is sufficient for whatever we must endure.”

We have in us to withstand whatever life is able to do to us. Nothing can touch us except God allows it to be so. In fact, we don’t really know what we can endure until all hell breaks loose in our lives and we can say as did these citizens of Long Branch, New Jersey, “through hell and high water, we’re still here. We may be burdened, but nevertheless we are still positively Blessed. Even in the most difficult of times, if we do not give up, we will discover no matter how bad life seems, GOD is still positively GOOD.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!

PRAYER:  Thank you Father, for this pause to reflect on how positively Blessed I am in the face of the suffering of others. I “thank you for your power. It has resurrected me, over painful circumstances that my poor soul could not flee.” 

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