Posts Tagged God the Father

The Weaver

Trust GodMy life is but a weaving, between my God and me,
I do not choose the colors, He worketh steadily.
Oftimes He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride
forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.
Not til the loom is silent, and the shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvas, and explain the reasons why
The dark threads are as needful in the skillful Weaver’s Hand
as threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned.
He knows, He loves, He cares, Nothing this truth can dim
He gives His very best to those who leave the choice with Him. ~ Anonymous

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Perfect Peace

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”
St. John 14:27 (New International Translation)

As I sit at my desk watching the tree on my front lawn move furiously in the wind — a tornado watch has been issued and the dark clouds look ominous.  Suddenly, my computer screen fades to black and the higher speed internet I just ordered is indicating that the system is down. I have to postpone again — this already late post I am entitling “Perfect Peace.”

I continue to wait for the system to restart and I reflect on the past week that has been particularly Blessed — all plans flowed effortlessly.  But today, as I attempt to get back on schedule and to write this post — things are falling apart.  Could it be a reminder that when all is well with me and mine that I simply take life for granted?  Could it be that I have been so busy being busy that I forgot to remember what is truly important to the Lord?  I have not listened to the news.  I have not thought of the wars and other disquieting situations at home and abroad — that is: not until this hour of angst in my own world.  As I continue to wait and reflect on God’s goodness — as suddenly and abruptly as they began — the winds calm, my tree stills, the sun returns and so do the lights on my modem — lesson learned!  Peacefully, I get back to work.  Isn’t it amazing how the Father gets our attention!!

Jesus tried to tell His disciples from the beginning that this day would come, but they would not hear Him.  He knew they were upset by the talk of betrayal and the thought of His leaving them.  He knew what they would face in the coming days, and He was concerned about the effect his death would have on them.  So, He tries to get them to understand why it has to happen. Jesus knew His time was at hand and the end had come, but He was ready for it. We saw in the Garden, how He dreaded the pain, but we also saw how He kept His eye on the joy beyond the pain.  That is the picture of “peace in its perfection” that He bequeathed to them and to us.

During this High and Holy season of celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord, let us remember amidst all the chaotic noise and constant upheaval of this world, we (His followers) own a legacy from the “Prince of Peace!”  “And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7) 


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