Posts Tagged faith in God

If God Should Go on Strike

God, Poetry“How good it is that God above has never gone on strike.
because he was not treated fair in things he didn’t like,
If only once he’d given up and said, “That’s it, I’m through!”
I’ve had enough of those on earth, so this is what I’ll do.
I’ll give my orders to the sun-cut off the heat supply!
And to the moon-give no more light, and run the oceans dry.
then just to make things really tough and put the pressure on,
turn off the vital oxygen till every breath is gone!
You know He would be justified, if fairness was the game, 
for no one has been more abused or met with more disdain
than God, and yet He carries on, supplying you and me
with all the favors of His grace, and everything for free.
Men say they want a better deal, and so on strike they go,
but what a deal we’ve given God to whom all things we owe.
We don’t care whom we hurt to gain the things we like; 
but what a mess we’d all be in, if God should go on strike.” ~ Walt Huntley

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I Asked God

Prayer, petitionI asked God for strength that I might achieve.
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for health that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy.
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am, among all men, most richly blessed. ~ (Anonymous)

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God Knows


9363_10034_5“And she said, As the Lord thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse . . . that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat and die.” I Kings 17:12 (King James Version)

The barrel that was once filled with meal was now touching bottom.  Only a few morsels remained.  For days she stretched the crumbs as far as she could and was finally at the point of giving up.

Habitually, her son would listen to the sound of the spoon as it scraped against the sides of the barrel as she gathered enough meal for the little cake they shared each day. But today the sound of the spoon against the barrel was different. It was hollow and piercing and seemed to re-echo throughout the barrel and bounce off the walls of the house.1219053_untitled

His mother had cried for days, but when she left the barrel this day her tears seemed more sorrowful and her cries more unsettling. He walked over to the table where she was sitting, wiped her tears and said something that you and I would do well to remember: “Mother, don’t cry because God hears the scraping” What a wonderful reminder when the faithful lose heart.

407355_barrelsLife is so hard sometimes that we easily forget. We come to our wit’s end and the ends of our ropes and roads. Situations many times seem hopeless and we feel we have nothing left to give.

In this economy, with so many facing bankruptcy, home foreclosures, job security, mounting bills, emptying bank accounts and maxed out credit cards, it’s understandable to feel helpless and alone.  But we must never forget our God is ALWAYS faithful and:

No matter how bleak things may seem.
No matter the state of our hearts, health, or heads.
No matter whether we  have  jobs or the jobs have us,
No matter whether we are homeless, helpless, or hopeless
No matter whether we have friends, fans, followers, or are all alone

Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear: Isaiah 59:1


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Faith Crises

531885_10152737558830548_698060325_nBut without faith it is impossible to please Him . . . .”  Hebrews 11:6 (KJV)

FAITH is utterly important to God and, if the truth be told, we have all experienced, are experiencing, or will experience many faith crises in our lives. Crises of faith can be momentary, seasonal, or long-lasting, but for certain they will come.

Faith Crises are those despairing moments when we  navigate life’s storm-tossed seas unmindful of the Master’s presence.

They are times when we earnestly need Jesus’ Prayer that our faith will not fail us.

They are those critical instants when we can only say, “Lord, I believe, but help thou my unbelief.”

They are the crucial moments after suffering great losses, when we must know that GOD IS ALL WE NEED!!

They are times when it is good to remember our “God Moments .”

Faith Crises are TESTS. They are TESTS to trust God’s plan and God’s timing  for our lives and they must be taken until passed. 


As we walk our paths of faith, we soon discover that we are placed in situations to need miracles and only God can perform them. And many times, as Alicia Britt Chole submits, sometimes we are “cornered into helplessness,” where NO ONE can help us but God! When we appear down for the count, it is important for others to witness the glory of God in our deliverance.


What do you do when you do not know what to do? What do you do when you are at the proverbial “Red Sea,”the enemy is on your heels and the impossible is stretched before you? How will you navigate  these critical crossroads of faith? God says, “Be still and KNOW that I AM GOD–Either you trust me or you don’t!”

Beloveds, these are challenging times that test our spirits, our sanity and most of all our faith. Times will come when we are pressed on every side, with nowhere to run and nowhere to look but up. How will the Lord respond to us: “O ye of little faith . . . ,” or  “I have not seen so great a faith. . . .”

“Without faith it is impossible to please God.” We must Believe because God is faithful even when our faith waivers or wanes. And the Best News is, God has promised “NOTHING is impossible to those who believe.”

PRAYER:  Father, thank you for the Grace to live past my moments of despair. “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Psalm 56:3

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These Times

These Times“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” (James 1:12-NIV)

“It was the BEST of times and the WORST of times. It was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness. It was the epoch of belief. It was the epoch of incredulity. It was the season of light. It was the season of darkness. It was the spring of hope. It was the winter of despair.” — Pride and Prejudice

These are the days of Elijah, Moses, Ezekiel and David. They are prophetic times. Times to make our callings sure. Times to come out of our comfort zones. Times to risk all for the Kingdom sake. Times for better or worse. Times to love for richer or poorer–in sickness and in health. Times when God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. Times when our weaknesses are our strengths.

Times to live what we profess. Times to seek and to serve. Times to reach and to teach–to watch and to wait. Times to trust and to obey–to fast and to pray. Times to love and to lift–to speak and to witness. These are times of change, challenge and choice. Times of hope and help. THESE ARE TIMES THAT TRY OUR SOULS!!

These are the times for which I was being prepared from my mother’s womb. I am one of “the called according to His purpose,” and “I am confident that He that has begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus.”

These Times2

Beloveds, trust with me that our times are in God’s good Hands (even times like these). Believe with me that we need never fear what a day may bring forth. Realize that God is in control of our days and our destinies.

May these words of Charles A. Tindley, encourage and strengthen your faith in the days ahead,

Harder yet may be the fight
Right may often yield to might
Wickedness awhile may reign
Satan’s cause may seem to gain
There is a God that rules above
With a hand of power and heart of love,
And if (we) are right, He’ll fight (our) battle
(and) (we) shall have peace some day.

485605_450563531700504_526398939_nPRAYER:  Father, sometimes it’s hard to see the rainbow through the storms. It is difficult to fathom the silver lining behind the dark clouds of this life. Saturate us with your immeasurable strength for the living of these days. Give us Holy boldness as we try to faithfully move forward. Make our feet as hind’s feet for our mountains. Help us to stand tall in our high places and give us peace through every valley. Empower us as we strive to be the salt and light you have called us to be “for such a time as this.” For thy Son’s sake we pray. AMEN

I would love to hear from you today.  Let’s start a conversation. Are you concerned about the future? What comforts you when you watch or listen to today’s troubling news? What goes through your mind? How do you help those close to you during these disturbing times?

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